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Brizy WP 2.4.0 BETA: A Huge List of Fixed, Improvements & New Features

on 1 November 2021, by Dimi, in Blog, WordPress, PRO, FREE, Updates

Join our Beta Crew to check out all these changes today!

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by Dimi

As you may already know we are releasing an update almost every week now, that addresses in most part fixes and small improvements but in the back end we are always working on something bigger with more substance.

These bigger updates require not only more time and attention, but more testing as well. Today we are starting an open beta for Brizy WordPress 2.4.0, that contains a lot of things we've been working on in the past months.

From a big list of long awaited improvements to a lot of fixes and some new things like motion effects, all coming in Brizy 2.4.0 . If you want to take the beta builds for a spin, join our Beta Crew.

(Very Important: Don't install the beta updates on live websites)

You'll be able to check out what we've been working on and also test things around and (maybe) give us some feedback, we welcome & appreciate it.

Let's go through the list of the most important things we've touched on in this beta:

Brizy Free 2.4.0 (Beta)

New: Added block background options (auto, contain, cover) & background repeat

New: More options for SoundCloud

New: Added background map & video for columns

New: Added Overlay color for image

New: Added reorder option for columns

New: Added new line styles

New: Added new auto/custom height options & align option for columns

New: Created possibility to change the default Lato font

New: Added order to tabs, accordions, forms

New: Moved entrance animation effects functionality in right sidebar

New: Added vh and em suffixes to Spacer

New: Add new style blending mode for certain elements

New: Added Column width option

New: Added status badge (publish/draft) in the block display conditions popup

Improved: Added new shortcuts Ctrl+M (opens Styling right panel) & Ctrl + K (opens Motion Effects right panel)

Improved: Publish Update button disabled state when there are no changes

Improved: Added Autoplay and loop for Youtube and Vimeo

Improved: Can change name for All tag in Accordion element

Improved: Reply-to user email placeholder for contact forms

Improved: Working with code in Embed element

Improved: Opacity value for colors is displayed on hover

Other Fixes included in this Brizy Free 2.4.0 Beta:

Fixed: Sidebar update for Switcher, Table, Tabs

Fixed: The scale option for Rating appears only for desktop view

Fixed: Counter suffix option when working with dynamic values

Fixed: Filters Hover for certain elements

Fixed: Rename size to width for Map element

Fixed: Overlay option for Images appears only for desktop view

Fixed: Countdown redirect label

Fixed: Accordion item head align and css

Fixed: Responsive slider dots option with a lot of slides

Fixed: Outline border when resizing an element from the resize dots

Fixed: Remove Products from single template type

Fixed: Added option to allow json file upload

Fixed: Fixed placeholder strip on post save.

Fixed: Cast rule values to int on serialization

Fixed: Refactor post_type to postType in editor config

Fixed: Show Products post type in global block rules

Fixed: Send post_term_parents as an array not object when the array is not empty

Fixed: Added additional data about the post in editor config.

Fixed: Return all global block ignoring the status

Fixed: Added post_status in brizy_get_posts actions

Fixed: Change the Pages group name to Main Content in template rule form

Brizy PRO 2.4.0 (Beta)

New: Added Icons for Switcher element

New: Added Rating scale option 5 & 10

New: Added scroll motion animation Effects

New: Added reorder to Gallery, Timeline & Playlist elements

Other Improvements & Fixes included in this Brizy PRO 2.4.0 Beta:

New: Added new Sale element for the WooCommerce builder

Improved: WooCart variable products label styling

Improved: Can change name for All tag in Posts element

Improved: Removed max depth limit for the Menu element

Improved: Multi tabs for the Facebook element

Improved: WooCart styling improvements

Improved: WooAtributes made title come from backend

Fixed: Hover option for filters on Header & Footer elements

Fixed: Fonts in the Menu element when you have Twenty Twenty-One WP theme activated

Fixed: Lottie resize dots

Fixed: White label default links for Twitter & Facebook

Fixed: Mobile Menu text when empty

Fixed: Added horizontal scroll for Table element in responsive views

Fixed: Hide additional info about the product if there is no data

Fixed: Editor product gallery

Fixed: Added all tags in post tag loop

Fixed: Compiler returns empty array on page styles/scripts

IMPORTANT: The Beta builds are not to be used on production websites.

Please don't install or update client websites using these builds.

Article by Dimi

Co-founder & CEO of Brizy, Dimi has a passion for Web projects with cutting-edge tech & great usability. He's always happy to share and connect with others.

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