25 February, 2025
Version 3.4.0improved3rd party API
improvedCompiler bundle size
updatedremoved icons from blocks
fixedbug with Menu failing to open when clicked multiple times
fixedparallax animation in preview with open popup
fixedscroll on parallax in Safari
fixeddeleting images on Media Gallery
newadded Linkedin Feed Component
fixedwrong arrangement of gallery images (masonry layout) at first render
fixedcustom icons for menu subitems
fixedForm bug unable to set more fields on same row
fixedFlipbox copy/paste styles
fixedFlipbox set background image on Tablet and Mobile
15 January, 2025
Version 3.3.0improvedLazy load for Carousel element
fixedOverlapped text on icons on Form and Login elements
fixedTranslate status messages in Form element
fixedInstagram element is not loaded when Facebook element persists in page
fixedRadio and Checkbox values are not send to Webhook in Form element
fixedHover color of custom icon in Menu element
fixedMenu items alignment
fixedCopy and paste styles from dynamic content text to simple text
fixedAlt tag for featured image not working
fixedCarousel dots in responsive mode
newCollapsible tabs in add elements in left sidebar
newPossibility to register custom tabs in left sidebar for third party
improvedCSS generator returns less CSS
improvedCSS generator generates less dynamic classNames
improvedEditor codebase
fixedEffects stops when toolbar open on section
fixedAlignment of icon in IconBox element
fixedImages does not load in preview
fixedTranslation for slideshow positions
fixedImage size in lightbox
fixedUpdate button status when a global popup is added
fixedSection overlay color with slideshow option
fixedMotion option default value for third party
12 November, 2024
Version 3.2.1newAdded rounded corner option for Translation element
newAdded video "URL" option for the Playlist element
newAdded "Blending Mode" styling option for the Image element
newAbility to add multi-line text in one Buttons
newAdd mask on Video
new:Added decimal sizes for VW, EM, & REM font size option
fixedWhen scrolling to a block, consider the height of the menu
fixedGlobal block rename
fixedParalax effect
fixedDownload saved blocks & layouts on Firefox
improvedColor Hex code input
updatedBrizy-ui library
fixed[Shopify] Background dynamic image in preview
fixed[Shopify] Dynamic images does not fit in container
newAdded option to set number of columns for Carousel element on mobile
newAdd a link to a checkbox in the Form element
newSet width in % and PX for column in Table element
newInstagram Feed element
newAdded dotLottie and Media Library
fixedScroll Effect (MouseTrack, 3D Title) for PostInfo Element on Tablet/Mobile
fixedEffects panel disappears when an effect is activated
fixedHeader block overlaps the add new block blue icon
fixedLogout is not Translated
fixedGallery light box not working with animations
fixedForm reCAPTCHA error on disconnect
fixedHamburger Menu
newAbility to turn off Help videos in the editor
fixedRemoved Brizy name in PayPal element
21 October, 2024
Version 3.2.0fixedCSS styles in Hamburger Menu
improvedPage, Popup and Global Blocks dependencies
fixedBrizy Translation - Menu Items not displayed inside CMS
17 October, 2024
Version 3.1.1fixedName in PayPal element
fixedFile upload extension
17 September, 2024
Version 3.1.0newHover animations for Button element
newPaypal element
newSlideshow option for Section
newText transform for typography option
newBackground color option for Video element
newBackground video for responsive modes for Section, Row and Column
newAbility to pin elements in left sidebar
newSubscript and superscript for Text element
newRegenerate global styles with AI
newColumns options for Posts element in responsive modes
improvedBox resizer restrictions for Map
improvedAbility to copy/paste effects/animations
improvedRemoved "To dashboard" button
improvedAfter upload, Image element by default has original size
improvedCenter "Styling" and "Effects" toolbar buttons
improvedIncrease width of column resizer bar
improvedTollbar options code base and migrate Map, Line and Video to new CSS generator
fixedBackground video error after cloning the container element
fixedText selection opacity if mask/gradinent is set
fixedBox resizer in responsive modes for all elements
fixedCopy/paste styles for responsive modes
fixedDisabled zoom option for Section,Row and Column for respondive modes:
fixedButton size with default fill type
fixedSize of typography text decoration icons
fixedPaste style of font style in Text element
fixedSection slider content snaps after slider load
fixedSlider block hover arrow color
fixedSlider block remains active after deleting
fixedBullet list alignment in Text element
fixedText formatting after clear in Story
fixedClose dropdown of internal link after selection
fixedCompilation error
newMultistep feature in Form element
newFlipbox element
newTable of Contents element
newAdobe Fonts integration
newCustom icons upload in Icon element
newTransform effects for elements
newFeatures for Lottie element (trigger options, lazy load & more)
newSearch in global blocks conditions
newHeight and Overflow option for EmbedCode element
newAbility to change order of rows in Table element
improvedIncrease DC selection size
improvedText decoration for Text element with Dynamic Content link
improvedUse original name for custom uploaded files
improvedMoved EmbedCode element to PRO
fixedBackground video size when persists Lottie
fixedTwitter element has no default type
fixedBackground color doesn't remove on clear formatting on Text element
fixedClose popup button in Image and Icon elements
fixedEmbedCode font size in Story mode
fixedForm select drowdown height
fixedCarousel element change min/max values for speed and stop time
fixedUpdate Lottie element in story items after changing lottie link
fixedBroken space of Text element when is used Dynamic Content as block type
fixedPopup conditions ( displaying multiple times )
17 June, 2024
Version 3.0.0newHTML Compilation process for major page-loading improvements
fixedCopy-Paste Styles for Text Element when using selected text
fixedVarious vulnerabilities
fixedGlobal Styles not saving current state in some instances
fixedText multi-select with gradients bug
fixedSection background displaying incorrect option
improvedMoved Form element from FREE to PRO
improvedAdded rich-text formatting clearance
improvedReload the preview tab if already open instead of new tab
updatedBuilder developer dependencies
fixedRating element bug with tooltip for settings
fixedBug with align for next post in PostNavigation
fixedPopup close button not showing in some cases
fixedForm margin not showing with radio type option
fixedPopup with MegaMenu z-index bug
fixedBug when duplicating popups in some instances
20 March, 2024
Version 2.5.0fixedDrag & drop functionality not working outside the visible viewport
fixedButton & Icon element hover background colors not showing correct color
fixedCopy/Paste for Text element with color gradient
fixedSelecting all text via shortcut then writing doesn’t show new texts
fixedText element with selection for text-transform
fixedGlobal Typography in responsive viewports
fixedMask for Text element when using Dynamic Image not working
fixedText element broken error
fixedScreenshots for blocks inside Reorder sidebar
improvedAdded fade option for Carousel element and Slider option in blocks
improvedAdded ‘Open in new tab’ option for internal page links
improvedAdded Underline for links on hover
improvedText element performance with color change
fixedComments elements
fixedBreadcrumbs title for non-ascii code
fixedMask for Text element when using Dynamic Image not working
fixedSwitcher element cursor not showing pointer
improvedChanged UI for population option
improvedText element toolbar closing when changing Dynamic option
5 February, 2024
Version 2.4.0newHelp Video functionality inside the builder
newAdded variable fonts
newText highlight color
newDynamic Image for Video cover
improvedIncreases rows number for Posts
improvedCustom Attributes position in the right sidebar
improvedInclude Global Style when saving layouts
improvedToolbar options arrow position on Rows
improvedExtract React from editor build, and add this as standalone script in HTML
improvedDisable shorten/extend actions for AI text in some cases
improvedDrag & drop for Icons and Buttons
improvedTabs UI colors in right sidebar
fixedProgress bar comes out of the wrapper
fixedText Link option pasted value doesn't save if instantly closing toolbar
fixedForm Select arrow
fixedStories are not aligned in the middle of the screen
fixedColumn align when Effects are enabled
fixedWriting long texts in Form fields
fixedVideo element crashed when imported with a block
fixedInternal link placeholder error
fixedColumn alignment doesn't work on Auto distribute option
fixedToolbar css issue when searching a Collection Type name
fixedCopy Styles don't apply for Dynamic Content Rich Text
fixedBackground button and icon hover color didn't match preview
fixedVideo background for blocks and columns unable to pause
newAdded Post Navigation element
newAdded Breadcrumbs element
fixedUnable to set Global Block
17 January, 2024
Version 2.3.0newLocalisation for Brizy Cloud in 14 Languages
newAdd Right Click Context Menu to Tabs Element
newAdded tooltip message when saving draft pages
improvedPost element crash after filtering
improvedSpeed when searching pages URL for Links
improvedReduced file size of the Client API
improvedUI Translation
fixedLink To option loses focus
fixedIcon Background corner is not active
fixedSave selected Page in Link option on any Text element
fixedScroll in toolbar/typography is not working when parallax effect is set
fixedSome Saved Blocks thumbnails are not displayed
fixedStyling Dividers Show thin line on some mobile devices
fixedBackground color on hover "Get a pro Plan" button
fixedDrag & Drop for Posts, Accordion Tab elements
fixedDrag & Drop Lines remain active randomly
fixedPadding bottom for Video with Cover Image
newLocalisation for Brizy Cloud in 14 Languages
newAdd Right Click context Menu to "Mega Menu" element
newAdded new Element, "Post Info"
improvedUpdate Integration name "Sendinblue" -> "Brevo"
improvedAI Options for Text
fixedCarousel element is not displayed on mobile
fixedHover Animation on Icon with link
fixedSave Trigger condition for popups don't save
fixedLottie element crash on non-lottie json upload
28 December, 2023
Version 2.2.5newAdded 16 new templates
7 December, 2023
Version 2.2.4improvedProtected Page and Protected Project URL
improvedReduce text generation time
5 December, 2023
Version 2.2.3fixedLightbox option on images is not working on frontend
fixedAccordion icon size issue on front end
1 December, 2023
Version 2.2.2fixedButtons width in preview
fixedOverlay was visible under gradient color
29 November, 2023
Version 2.2.1newAdded font awesome icons
newUse system default fonts instead of Google or custom fonts
improvedReduce icons size
improvedSave form checkbox value in preview
improvedMove "Show on Desktop" icon under the Basic tab in the right sidebar
improvedDelete dynamic content inside Text in one backspace
improvedOptimised code output for the Accordion element
improvedOptimised code output for the Tabs element
improvedOptimised code output for the Icon element
improvedOptimised code output for the Button element
improvedReduced ID length in HTML attributes
improvedRemoved "data-uid" and "name" attributes from section in preview
fixedUnable to add element in page
fixedCustom video loop not working
fixedDrag image with link
fixedIcon sizes values in the Icon element
fixedDynamic content text color in preview
fixedSound of video with cover image plays twice
fixedCopy/Paste styles for hover overlay
newClose button for hamburger menu
newTransition speed for carousel
newAI option for Text
newCustom column width for table element
improvedOptimised code output for the Playlist element
improvedOptimised code output for the Timeline element
improvedOptimised code output for the Switcher element
fixedPopup conditions dropdown too small
fixedCarousel element is zoomed when placed in a block that has background video
fixedRow/Column items alignment when you set up a scroll effect
7 October, 2023
Version 2.2.0improvedChanged Popup close delay suffix to s instead of px
improvedExtended population option with custom attributes
improvedPosts columns number for mobile and tablet
fixedImage gallery empty space when changing column number
fixedMenu won't open on mobile or tablet inside Section Slider and Carousel
fixedToolbar Dynamic Content
fixedGallery option cannot load images in thumbnails
fixedPopup styles in preview
fixedMega Menu styles in preview
newAdded Internal Link on the link option for all elements
newAdded template autoinstall in the dashboard for websites and stories
improvedRemoved getPage request added pageData inside config
improvedSections container width was changed in 1170px
improvedChanged icon for the Webhooks integration on forms
improvedRemoved the ability to change icons in responsive views for the icon element
improvedButton width for default fill type
improvedRename Tags titles in Saved blocks
improvedRearrange Global typography styles
improvedResponsive views change automatically when you select the devices in global typography styling
fixedText color picker on dynamic elements
fixedHover on certain elements that have motion effects set
fixedDrag & Drop was not working on images with link
fixedLightbox preview
fixedText align for copy-pasted texts in preview
fixedToolbars label text length
fixedText color options
fixedHover animation not working for the same item after sliding
fixedColumn content align when scroll animation is applied
fixedText space for ordered and unordered lists
fixedThe accordion element disappears after deleting tags
fixedOpacity for Gradient color doesn't work correctly
fixedButton Spacing incorrectly affects position and alignment
fixedGlobal styling not changing
fixedAudio element is still playing after the pop-up is closed
fixesGlobal colors for Image shadow
fixesGlobal colors for Image border
fixedTab & Accordion elements heading get hidden under Sticky/Fixed menu on mobiles
8 August, 2023
Version 2.1.7newAdded 26 new premade design templates
31 July, 2023
Version 2.1.6newProject cloning feature via URL
newAdded custom video URL for Block background
newAdded copy/paste styles for Text element
newAdded mask option for all containers
newAdded vertical spacing option for the Timeline element
improvedDisplay selected font at top of font list in the Typography options
improvedHexagon Shape in the Mask options
fixedText crashed after population change
fixedBlock Slider on preview
fixedElement with rotate motion effect moves when hovering on toolbar
fixedText alignment in the preview
fixedRemove saved block tag
fixedLabel text pushing the options out of the UI
fixedContainer width in PX shows 1400px max slider value instead of 1170px
fixedThe color gets reset when a dynamic text is linked to its URL
fixedOption "Scroll page behind" on popups was not working correctly
22 June, 2023
Version 2.1.5fixedImage sizes on the preview
fixedSection Parallax
fixedSection containers
20 June, 2023
Version 2.1.4newAdded option to sort tags alphabetically in the Accordion element
newAdded vertical space option for Accordion element
newAdd width in px for the boxed option on Blocks
newTags and Titles for saved blocks and saved layouts
fixedBuilder UI Themes
fixedW3C Accessibility issues
fixedCountdown timezone offset
fixedNumbering unordered list in Text element
fixedImage Alt Title option in Right Sidebar
fixedPosts Element custom dynamic image
fixedScroll for code Mirror in Right Sidebar
improvedCodebase migrate to node 18
improvedChanged some elements positions and order in the elements panel
improvedBuilder select option
improvedAdded a helper icon for YouTube links in the Video element
improvedOmit 1 request for get project
newImage Gallery multi upload
newAdded layout types and aspect ratio options to Image Gallery
newAdded option to sort tags alphabetically in Gallery
newAdded Webhooks integration in the Form element
fixedPopup Scroll when you disable 'Click outside to close pop-up'
fixedSticky Menu on scrolling
fixedAdded Typography in mobile/tablet for Rating element
3 June, 2023
Version 2.1.3newAdvanced Hover animation
newAlign option for Language element
newAdded px units for Story section
newMade with Brizy badge on free websites
improvedButton old options to new options
improvedRemoved title attribute from HTML for the block slider .svg arrows
improvedRemove icon on global style in the left sidebar
improvedAdded active color in mobile Menu element
improvedAdded IST timezone in the Countdown element
improvedYoutube video in the Video element
improvedMade all UI scrollbars custom
improvedAdded .min suffix for all css and js minified files
updatedCodemirror plugins
updatedCore-js library
fixedAdded support to escaping ' and "
fixedLink anchor is not working on the correct block if you scroll
fixedScreenshots browser compatibility on Safari when saving blocks
fixedLink option in a Row element
newAdded px units for Story section
improvedMenu option source
improvedCarousel toolbar when reordering items
improvedTwitter element
improvedAdded .min suffix for all css and js minified files
improvedRemoved demo.themefuse URLs in Brizy blocks when white label is activated
fixedDynamic content link
fixedDynamic content image in preview
fixedFilter / Offset options for Posts element in mobile and tablet
fixedLogin element does not login users
3 April, 2023
Version 2.1.2fixedonclick Custom Attribute in the right sidebar
fixedGoogle map in the background in responsive views
fixedReorder column option
fixedBackground overflow and z-index
fixedbr HTML tag in titles of tabs in responsive views
fixedOpacity for language switcher drop-down
fixedForm input length validation
fixedSmoother transition when hovering gradient backgrounds
fixedText links insite a text element
fixedColor picker for the global color styles in the left sidebar
fixedIcons getting smaller when you write more text in the Tab element
fixedForm email length restriction
fixedImage Mask for text element
fixedRemove file uploads on links
improvedImage Upload canceling in case of infinite loading
improvedAdded all the time zones in the Countdown element
improvedDropdown options for the left sidebar
improvedRestructured the Video element options
improvedText font size option increased to 300
improvedMultiline for custom attribute
updatedReplace js slider for carousel with Swiper JS
fixedSticky header block doesn't disappear when you scroll to the top
fixedMega Menu colors and typography
fixedPopup adding extra 300px to the pop-up container
fixedPopup in preview
6 March, 2023
Version 2.1.1newNew eye dropper feature for colors
newPreparations for future UI color themes
improvedMinified CSS in HTML export
improvedEditor strings improvements
improvedAdded Pro visual cues for PRO options inside the builder
fixedValue for Form checkbox was sent in lead even if empty
fixedBackground Vimeo video is getting zoomed in preview mode
fixedRight Sidebar advanced settings for icons and buttons
fixedLosing global styling in Text element after refresh
fixedText on top of custom video is pushed under the video in preview
fixedMade it more clear what video formats can be added for custom video URLs
fixedRemoved black strip on the top of the custom video
newPreparations for future UI color themes
improvedMinified CSS in HTML export
updatedTwitter library
fixedExcerpt element is saving the font family from the post title
fixedTypography styles for dynamic content in Text element
fixedCapitalize dynamic content for Text element
fixedTimeline horizontal style in preview
fixedLosing global styling in Text element after refresh
fixedMobile hamburger menu items scroll bar
fixedBlurred image in Carousel element
fixedCopy style from text to dynamic content
fixedCopy error when menu is not selected in the Menu element
22 February, 2023
Version 2.1.026 December, 2022
Version 2.0.46newAdded stroke option for the Post Title element
newAdded paddings for the Facebook element
improvedShadow for Header and Footer elements
improvedStickTitle option on the hamburger menu was deleted
improvedTable responsive
fixedText alignment in the hamburger Menu
fixedExternal Popup snippet with Google Fonts
fixedPopup cookies problems with local-storage
fixedCarousel preview - a custom height in responsive mode
fixedTimeline style
newAdded height for the Progress Bar element
newAdded permalink in the result of the search post function
improvedOptions & UI for Affects and animations
improvedOptimised the draggable when you resize columns
fixedTypography for tags in the Accordion element
fixedImage box shadow with corner in preview
fixedSection hover - slider
fixedForm dropdown icon for multiselect
fixedForm submit failed if checkbox is not required
fixedContact Form advanced toolbar
fixedCorrected translatable words
17 November, 2022
Version 2.0.45newAdded styles and more options for the Line element
newAdded paddings for Counter, Embed, Video, Map, Audio & Countdown elements
newAdded Mask option for the Image element
newVideo element new options
improvedBorders moved from toolbar to sidebar
improvedColor works under CSS variables in Text CSS classes
fixedColumn width changed when you click the column resize handle
fixedHover styles for Update toolbar icons
fixedBorder global color on Tabs
fixedHover styles on icons from Effects
fixedRight Click on Row element
newAdded width and corner options for the Facebook element
newAdded padding options for Facebook, Lottie, VideoPlayList
newAdded corner option for the Menu element
fixedWhite space for text in Playlist element
fixedButton color in the Facebook Comments element
11 October, 2022
Version 2.0.44fixedLanguage switcher width in preview
fixedUsing SVGs in Image element
fixedImage URLs when using Sync
fixedFonts when missing fontFamilyType
improvedPrefetch for Bunny Fonts
improvedRename Base category to Essentials in element panel
improvedGrid elements moved to the top in the element panel
newAdded type Outset to Shadow option for Header and Footer blocks
fixedTwitter height issue
fixedCorner option for the close icon in a popup
fixedTable width issue
improvedTimeline element options
3 October, 2022
Version 2.0.43improvedImage naming in URLs retain the file name on upload
fixedContent shift caused by Carousel on page load
28 September, 2022
Version 2.0.42improvedGet fonts from https://fonts.bunny.net instead of https://fonts.googleapis.com to address GDPR font issues
improvedDeleting request when you delete saved block or saved layout
improvedRemoved Math.random for security
fixedMap - popup is not closed when the cover on map is clicked
fixedParallax in responsive mode
fixedMenu element - Icon size option
fixedMailchimp error on creating new list
fixedLink to File option was missing in toolbar on Button
fixedSection Image crop issue in mobile view for Popups
fixedMobile 100vw width for Mega Menus
fixedMisalignment for Menu arrows in mobile view
fixedSwitcher spacing option
17 September, 2022
Version 2.0.41fixedSwitcher style two icon active color
fixedCan't add more than one popup in Text element on text links
fixedMenu gradient background
fixedPopup inside Posts Element
fixedWhite label - Form apps contained the name Brizy
fixedTable syncing styles between all cells
fixedHamburger menu closing if is in Mega Menu
fixedMenu tab overlaps menu items on scroll
fixedSticky options on Header element
fixedOption go to slide in Story on Lottie elements
fixedPopup content vertical alignment
fixedHeader type fixed shaking on scroll
fixedHamburger menu drawer position in responsive
fixedCan't edit static header
fixedCan't get global popups
fixedMega Menu 100 vw width in responsive modes
improvedThe size icons in the Timeline element
newInfinite animation option
newAdded select "All" option for custom post types in Global blocks conditions
newText Image mask that works with post/page featured image
fixedTranslations in preview
fixedLag when you select colors in Global styles
fixedPagination color on hover for Posts element
fixedAdded "from category" display condition for global blocks
fixedMade mouse pointer when you hover the color option on block dividers
fixedUndo/Redo in Text element
fixedEmpty column crash on "Editor" role
fixedMute video when you set the cover option in Video element
fixedDivider on Section
fixedParallax in responsive views
fixedPosts include multiple references and multi-reference
fixedPosts context right click menu doesn't appear
fixedEnable update button on undo/redo
fixedDiacritics are converted to unicode characters
fixedImage crashing when clicking the resize pointers
fixedCounter style 2-3-4 in Story
fixedCountdown height in Story
fixedAccordion - border-radius on tags
fixedTabs - Title in responsive views
fixedCarousel - Working with text breaks the carousel
fixedFast scroll on Blocks that have Parallax option on
improvedUI improvement to accommodate long text translation
improvedMinify global typography CSS variables
improvedRoot window referrer request
improvedColor picker gradient issues
improvedCMS iframe loading
improvedLeftSidebar icon position in dropdown menu
improvedAdded First Name and Last Name in Authorization form with Cloud when you save blocks and/or layouts
improvedCurrent Query for customers in Posts element
30 August, 2022
Version 2.0.40fixedMute on video with cover
fixedRecaptcha keys not saving in contact form
fixedRecaptcha keys not saving in contact form
2 June, 2022
Version 2.0.39improvedSaved blocks lazy load
improvedPerformance on columns drag & drop
improvedPerformance on videos and images resize
improvedPerformance on column resize
improvedSection padding resize
fixedColumn issue when is inside a Tab element
fixedFeatured image on columns hover didn't inherit image from normal state
fixedThe right sidebar on Tab element was messed up
fixedEndless spinning on the Video element
fixedBlock margin in px and %
fixedBlock border radius on color hover
fixedYouTube header script
fixedDon't render PRO elements in preview
fixedAdded controls option for Vimeo videos
fixedGlobal styles in external popup
newAdded background image and gradient to hamburger menu
newIn excerpt dynamic content on Text, display only the filled in tags (p, H1, H2, etc)
newAdded postTitle in archive
fixedLeave page window when you didn't change anything in the page
fixedFeature image on hover didn't inherit image from normal state for Menu, Header, Footer, Popup
fixedRounded corners on Images that are dynamic
fixedContact forms in Mega Menu
fixedSome outline icons didn't display in the editor
fixedDynamic text alignment
fixedSidebar for Timeline element in mobile view
fixedMenu background color hover when you select a global color
5 May, 2022
Version 2.0.38newShow blocks only for a certain language (similar to Membership)
improvedImproved performance when you have a lot of columns on the page
improvedImproved performance when you change global styling
improvedImproved performance when you copy paste styles
improvedEmbed - changes color scheme
fixedMouse cursor when hovering the UI on the left sidebar
fixedMoved layout Ekstra to PRO
fixedImport Blocks button in Safari
fixedButtons conflicts with GTM
fixedSeparators for dropdown in Left Sidebar
fixed"Get a pro Plan" link for Pro Layouts
newShow blocks only for a certain language for Header and Footer blocks
fixedHover transition on the play icon in the Playlist element
fixedPopups screenshots
fixedUser role tab in Login/Register element
fixedHover on menu dropdown
fixedHeader & Footer dividers on Firefox
20 April, 2022
Version 2.0.37improvedGlobal color palette performance
improvedGlobal typography performance
improvedPerformance Editor Removed Blocks from Left Sidebar
improvedOverlay for Pro elements in Free accounts
fixedUI Left Sidebar cursor is changed from default to pointer
fixedCollaborate opens in new tab Collaboration Tool
fixedButton border size
fixedBackground video for Story
fixedMap cover image repeat
fixedPopup input date delimiters
fixedVideo - error message after uploading a custom video
fixedText Dynamic Link
fixedResetPassword toolbars
4 April, 2022
Version 2.0.36newAdded cover image option for Map element
updatedRightClick dropdown component
improvedUI Icon spacing in the builder on left sidebar
improvedGlobal blocks rules
fixedWhite label - Icon (sign in) when connecting Brizy account in Saved blocks popup
fixedText element blink when changing align option
fixedVideo with border radius in Safari
fixedRenaming custom global text styles
fixedRemember Me option in the Login element
fixedLayout "Carwash" was changed to PRO
fixedActive border size for the Tabs element
fixedPosts Include | Exclude shows weird selection in dropdown
fixedRemoved the active language from the dropdown in Languages element
fixedStyle 3 for Tabs element
fixedCenter align for arrows in Accordion element
fixedDnD was not working when user had Editor role
improvedHover Transition for ImageGallery
fixedColors & transition for element VideoPlaylist
fixedActive color for the Menu element
10 March, 2022
Version 2.0.35newImport/Export Saved Blocks, Popups, Layouts
newShow progress on story when autoplay is on
improvedIncreased the number of history snapshots from 10 to 20. Happy Ctrl-Z-ing
improvedSEO for Video element
improvedPlugin Cross-Site Scripting
fixedLink to slide in Web Stories
fixedUndo/redo in Text element
fixedText styles after pasting text from outside the builder
fixedRandom global blocks are not saved in Global block list
fixedPosts include/exclude select
fixedStyle for Counter element in Firefox
fixedVimeo video background loop
fixedCountdown restart after finished
updatedRemoved loop from story
fixedDisabled Lottie link for responsive
fixedBackground image for Header blocks with Sticky option on
2 March, 2022
Version 2.0.34newCollaboration tool option in left sidebar
improvedChanged max value for counter element
improvedSelecting dropdown options in Post filter option
fixedImage (original size) width and height
fixedWidth for sidebar custom attributes
fixedLinks on buttons when global blocks are missing
fixedGradient color for buttons
fixedExternal Popups font assets
fixedForm hidden field send only label
fixedPremade popup designs available only in PRO
fixedView as for membership roles in builder
fixedSeparators in responsive and hamburger dropdowns in the left sidebar
fixedAccordion active tags
fixedHide go to dashboard for reseller partners
newAdd links to any slide in Stories
newAuto slide option for Stories
fixedPrefetching fonts in white label Agency and Reseller plans
fixedReset password
fixedAdded hover state on Back to Login and Register links in the Login element
fixedLoop for VideoPlaylist element
9 February, 2022
Version 2.0.33newStories - added Lottie render option
fixedTimeline element - element spacing bug on mobile
fixedTimeline element - line & border display issues
fixedButtons & Icons - custom class, ID population
fixedPlaylist element - cover image not working
improvedForm element - added 'Loading' animation to button after submit
fixedForm element - "Hidden" field not working correctly
fixedOption to View As "User" - not displaying correctly
fixedVideo element - gets muted after cover image is added
fixedTabs element - options not working on responsive views
fixedTabs element - orientation & style not working on responsive views
fixedTabs element - duplicate options in right sidebar on responsive views
fixedBlocks get reordered when only global blocks exist in page
fixedMenu element - "jumping" on hover when border opacity is 0 in normal mode
fixedColumns / Rows - image background hover not working
fixedSection Background Video error when loop is enabled
fixedMembership - global block conditions showing email when First Name or Last Name not available
14 January, 2022
Version 2.0.32newAdded border / background-color / shadow for content
newAdded Image width px unit for svg and gif type
fixedLogin entered information error
improvedXSS in RichText & all Links
10 January, 2022
Version 2.0.31newAdded spacing for text in timeline
improvedAdded shadow on the right side
improvedIcons removed id for best seo
fixedGlobal blocks in Users page
fixedVideo with cover wasn't playing on click
fixedForm Upload field could not be edited if placeholder is off
fixedForm error messages
newAdded spacing for text in timeline
fixedDo not opened PromptConditions when make it global on a simple page
fixedImage toolbar option size when dynamic content is enabled
20 December, 2021
Version 2.0.30fixedImage size select
fixedSearch by layout name
fixedCustom css characters transformed to unicode in preview
fixedForm select scroll
fixedText gradient in safari
13 December, 2021
Version 2.0.29fixedSwitching weights on custom uploaded fonts
fixedSelect dropdown width on Countdown
fixedResponsive corrections in Seo Agency layout
improvedNeed help URLs in Form app integrations
fixedMegaMenu Drag & Drop
fixedPopup v1 alignment
fixedIcons size in preview mode for external Popup
fixedImage dynamic content
1 December, 2021
Version 2.0.28newSize options when you upload .svg & .gifs files in Image element
fixedButton align & width
fixedLabels correspond with input id in the Form element
fixed505 error when you use extra large retina images
fixedText alignment when it is in a list for certain fonts
fixedColor for bullet points
fixedRemoved the form placeholder name from dropdowns on the front end
fixedForm pattern attribute
fixedIndividual IDs & CSS classes for Icons & Buttons
fixedSyntax error in css when you have custom CSS
improvedDrag & Drop performance
new13 Popups design
new8 Layout packs & Landing pages
newAdded custom context for the Post Title dynamic element
fixedPublish option when you create internal Popups
fixedImage dynamic content
fixedActive state for Switcher element
fixedSaved blocks in white label instance
9 November, 2021
Version 2.0.27newSelect original image in the Image Element
newSelect original image for the dynamic image element
improvedUpdated the Google fonts library
improvedRemoved iFrame background color when CMS is opened
improvedMade loading screen be the same width as cms iframe
fixedGoogle fonts search option was not working correctly
fixedImage is cut in full height option
fixedThe fonts no longer intersect for element tabs
fixedEnd option on Vimeo video
fixedBorder si Shadow options display
fixedBorder top on tabs in responsive
fixedCounter goes only to 100 in preview
fixedText sometime data-href is empty (Internal 500 error on the front-end)
fixedSelect drop-down options in the contact form are not showing the selected font
newAdded settings prompt to external story (Title, Description, Favicon)
improvedChanged the default Twitter handle when you added it to the page
fixedRegex for some placeholders in Dynamic content
fixedCarousel sidebar for mobile/tablet
fixedGallery sidebar for responsive
fixedThe lines in the timeline element now connect correctly on mobile
fixedChanged default paragraph value for Carousel
fixedWhitelabel for Sync authorization
18 October, 2021
Version 2.0.26new3 design layout packs
fixedPostTitle added title hover transition
fixedContact form text arrangement in dropdown
fixedContact form dropdown border
fixedNested accordions collapse issue
fixedAlignment in Login element
improvedAdded autoplay and loop options for the Video element
fixedFonts for Tabs
fixedStyles issues for nested tabs
fixedStyles issues for nested accordions
fixedVimeo bg video starting with a delay
fixedNested accordions animation
fixedDisplays negative values for the Counter element
fixedHexa color code in gradient background for Blocks
fixedCountdown styles size and color
fixedEmpty links in Text element in preview
fixedNegative spread values for shadows
improvedDrag & Drop between columns
fixedDouble options in right sidebar for certain elements in responsive views
improvedMoved HTML Tag option back on the main toolbar on Text element
fixedSome cases when didn't work to update the page title
improvedCMS sidebar covers only 90% of the page width
improvedSEO preview link reflects the correct preview link of the project
new9 design layout packs
improvedShow display conditions popup on setting a global Block
fixedStory text and images flickering on different devices
fixedSome PRO layouts are displaying in the FREE category
fixedFile upload on Lottie element
fixedNested Switcher elements
fixedStyles issues for nested Switcher elements
fixedUI issues when Dynamic content is larger in toolbar
improvedWhite label options, removed Brizy from custom font upload
fixedMega Menu hover transition
fixedDynamic content value in Countdown element
fixedClose option hover on Image Gallery lightbox
16 September, 2021
Version 2.0.25newAdded vertical align for icon in IconBox
fixedPopups on Text links
fixedBlock screenshots not looking properly in Chrome
fixedText element with Google translate extensions
fixedImage light-box
fixedDouble styling options in the right sidebar for some elements
improvedPage loading speed on preview when you have custom fonts on your page
improvedThis page needs a refresh error
fixedMega Menu preview position
fixedOptions toolbar position inside Sticky Header
improvedMega Menu passive events on touch
improvedPage loading speed on preview when you have custom fonts on your page
6 September, 2021
Version 2.0.24fixedIcons in the Tabs element
fixedCover images for the Video element
fixedCSS in Countdown element
newAdded the Lottie element in Stories
fixedText links in Stories
24 August, 2021
Version 2.0.23fixedAnchor scroll when block not found
fixedForm multi-select close
fixedRichtext styles
fixedGlobal blocks in page compiler error
newHide Section icon when not in focus, on tablet and mobile
fixedGlobal popup bug
fixedIcon link in Story
fixedMega Menu secondary level bug
fixedHamburger Menu on mobile bug
fixedMobile menu bug when using Astra theme
17 August, 2021
Version 2.0.22fixedDash separated value name for custom attributes
fixedCache assets on Brizy websites
improvedWhite Label, removed keyword Brizy from two places in the code
fixedGlobal popup
fixedCache assets on Brizy websites
5 August, 2021
Version 2.0.21fixedStory contact form element in preview
fixedTypography changes on mobile for the Text element
4 August, 2021
Version 2.0.20newAdded Free blocks category in sidebar when you add blocks
updatedUpdated Google fonts list
improvedSupport and Docs link label was changed to Support
improvedAlways show "Replace global styles" checkbox, when you add layouts
fixedIncreased limit to 1.000.000 for the Countdown element
fixedImage mask for Text in preview
newAdded Free stories category in sidebar when you add stories
newAdded 10 new Layout Packs (Templates)
improvedRenamed a couple of Story templates
improvedStories templates global styling, previews, thumbs, etc
26 July, 2021
Version 2.0.19fixedFull height for block slider on mobile
fixedVideo fullscreen option
fixedWhite label support and about links
fixedCMS close and edit actions
improvedChanged Protected Page element to Protected
improvedBack to Login instead of Login on the Login element
improvedProtected element default values
newAdded icon position option for Menu item
fixedFilters for dynamic images
fixedSubmenu styles for the Menu element
improvedRemoved submenu lvl limit for the Menu element
improvedWhite label for blocks & layouts syncing popup
improvedWhite label for the default global style name
13 July, 2021
Version 2.0.18newerror messages in Form element for Number and File input
fixedchange Row background for Section slider
fixedstyles for Table element
fixedbutton Drag & Drop when position is set to "fixed / absolute"
8 July, 2021
Version 2.0.17fixedDynamic content UI
fixedCustom file upload sync
fixedCorner option crashing the editor
fixedResending invalid response
fixedBlurred images inside sections
fixedStyles for video element frame
improvedUpdate project & Global Blocks
improvedSearch in the Layouts adder tab
fixedMenu transparency bug & icon size/spacing unit
fixedCustom audio not closing automatically
18 May, 2021
Version 2.0.16fixedAnchor scroll in menu
fixedMega menu scrollable
12 May, 2021
Version 2.0.15newAdded spacing option for the Icon Box element on responsive
improvedTranslate global blocks conditions
fixedAccordion Hover Transition
fixedScroll animation for anchor
fixedSection height and alignment on responsive
fixedUI minors styles
fixedDisabled extra option in toolbar for playlist elements
fixedHover effect for play button in playlist elements
fixedDisqus shortname
fixedRichText symbols transform
fixedMega Menu in small viewport
fixedLightbox blurred image
7 May, 2021
Version 2.0.14fixedDisqus shortname
fixedLost Password link in builder loads a 404 page inside the builder
fixedRichText symbols transform
1 May, 2021
Version 2.0.13improvedTranslate some strings from toolbars
fixedDisabled extra option in toolbar for playlist and fixed hover effect for play button
fixedAnchor scroll
fixedMega menu in small viewport
fixedLightbox blurred image
9 March, 2021
Version 2.0.12fixedGlobal Blocks would not appear in category pages made with Brizy Template
fixedImageGallery bugs
fixedImage lightbox css
newForm input file label is now editable
fixedClicking Global Blocks conditions options would do nothing in free
fixedCarousel content flicker
fixedCarousel options in responsive mode
fixedForm Submit align option
fixedForm Custom HTML template copy to clipboard
fixedForm Integrations Popup scroll in Safari
fixedAccordion drag and drop
fixedAccordion adjusting browser scroll position even when not needed
fixedSlider prev and next buttons outline
fixedSlider padding option
fixedImage sizes
fixedTimeline border css
fixedPostContent css
fixedWooCommerce Add to Cart css
fixedTypography option issues in Safari
fixedSlider option css
fixedSaving a block or a layout would fail if the browser did not support screenshots
fixedBrowser back button not working after clicking an anchor to a block on the page
8 December, 2020
Version 2.0.11improvedTemplates images
fixedPing request
updatedGoogle Fonts
3 December, 2020
Version 2.0.10new21 Pre-made Layouts & Landing pages
13 November, 2020
Version 2.0.9fixedForm failing to submit when having multiple Text field
10 November, 2020
Version 2.0.8fixedPopup scroll inner content
fixedColumn context menu
fixedForm failing to submit when having an empty Checkbox field
fixedColumns, Row removed font-size
fixedSection background video loop and startAt options
5 November, 2020
Version 2.0.7improvedReduced the number of divs at preview
improvedReduced the size of JavaScript at preview
improvedreCAPTCHA is now displayed after the user submits the form instead of at load
fixedImage sizing when in a MenuPro mobile menu item
13 October, 2020
Version 2.0.6improvedMegaMenu alignment
fixedPosts element columns were sometimes of different heights
newAudio element loop option
improvedVideo element will be lazy loaded in browsers that support it
improvedMenu element icon
improvedBlank Popup is now available for all users when building External Popups
fixedTab element scrollTop animation on mobile mode
fixedClear Layout button visible for non admin users
fixedCustom Attributes option not accepting data attributes
fixedAnimations in popups were not replayed after reopens
fixedVideo Play button appearing over Popup
fixedForm element sometimes working improperly on failed submits
13 July, 2020
Version 2.0.5newGlobal blocks conditions
newDraft functionality for pages
newLottie element
newTabs animation options
newSwitcher animation options
newAccordion animation options
newAccordion active color option
newPlaylist active color option
newMenu mega menu option
newMenu orientation option
newMenu padding option for mobile menu items
newMenu styling options for active menu item
newLinks to Support and Docs in left sidebar
improvedStyles are added automatically when importing a Layout
improvedCustom Email template is now edited with a code editor
improvedEnabled shape option on responsive for all Sections
updatedGoogle Fonts list
fixedMMenu z-index for shape
fixedSection tag name
fixedGlobal block toolbar icon
fIxedRemoved contenteditable attribute on texts at preview
fixedToolbar positioning inside popups
fixedTextEditor at undo / redo
fixedGallery inside container elements (Tabs, Accordion, Switcher, etc.)
fixedCarousel inside container elements (Tabs, Accordion, Switcher, etc.)
fixedBackground video loop
fixedExternalPopup Google Fonts link
fixedForm select responsive width at preview
fixedSection padding resizers width
fixedCarousel incorrect width
9 June, 2020
Version 2.0.4new3rd-party Free Hosting
27 April, 2020
Version 2.0.3newWebP Compression (Images will be automatically converted into an efficient WebP format when supported by the client)
23 April, 2020
Version 2.0.2newEmail notifications for new leads
17 April, 2020
Version 2.0.1newMove the project between accounts
fixedNo email received when adding account team member
16 April, 2020
Version 2.0.0newPopups
newsitemap.xml for projects
newCustom links for menu
newDynamic Text Replacement
improvedPreview page speed
improvedPossibility to edit team member role
improvedPossibility to edit account name
improvedPossibility to delete account name
improvedProject editing by many team members at the same time
fixedSendinBlue integration key doesn't work (something went wrong on List point)
fixedBrowser cache on preview page
fixedSendinBlue integration doesn't receive the Brizy form field info
fixedHTML Export - connection timed out
fixedServer Sync - permanently ribbon 'sync in progress' on preview
fixedServer Sync - connection timed out
fixedRemoved slug on index page
fixedUploaded fonts in saved blocks