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Integrate Your Templates in the Brizy Cloud Dashboard

on 27 October 2023, by Dimi, in Blog, PRO, Cloud, Updates

by Dimi

I'm excited to announce that we've launched a very cool feature exclusive to our White Label plans: the ability to change the default pre-made templates offered by us in the Brizy Cloud dashboard.

In this article, I'll go through what this feature is, the key benefit for agencies and white-label Brizy Cloud resellers, and how to take advantage of it and offer your installable templates to your users:

Who can use this?

What is this feature exactly?

The key benefit

How to take advantage of this feature

Who can use this?

This feature is available exclusively in our White Label plans. If you have white label options setup in your Brizy Cloud account, that means your brand and your own domains, then you can access and use this feature.

The set up and on-boarding will need to be done by us, read more about how to get and use this in this section.

If you don't have a White Label plan in Brizy Cloud, and would like to get one or upgrade from another plan, check out our Pricing page.

Keep in mind: only our White Label plan will get you the option to replace the pre-made templates in your Brizy Cloud dashboard.

Workspaces and Projects in Brizy Cloud

What is this feature exactly?

We recently introduced full template installation in the Brizy Cloud dashboard that lets anyone to start with a ready made website of their choosing from our 180+ pre-made templates.

Right now when you choose to create a new website, you'll get an additional step where you are prompted to start from scratch or to choose one of our pre-made designs. It looks like this:

Workspaces and Projects in Brizy Cloud

This created a great opportunity for us to let our white label partners, change these default Brizy templates with their own.

Here is the same website creation process, but in a white label Brizy Cloud account where the templates are already changed:

Workspaces and Projects in Brizy Cloud

The exciting part is that you'll create this auto-install iframe in Brizy Cloud as a regular website, and this will let you be as creative as you want and display your auto-install templates in any way.

Here are just 2 examples we've come up with in 10 min:

Workspaces and Projects in Brizy Cloud
Workspaces and Projects in Brizy Cloud

The key benefit

The main benefit speaks to reusability and pursuing a certain niche of websites for your white label cloud platform.

For example, you can choose to offer only Restaurant websites to your clients and position your self as the best restaurant website builder. You will use this feature to replace all our Brizy pre-made templates with restaurant templates in different categories and you are good to go.

You can also choose to keep part or all our Brizy templates. The system is very flexible and will accommodate your needs and wants.

How to take advantage of this feature in your white label Brizy Cloud account

You will receive access to this feature as part of our white label onboarding when you purchase our White Label Brizy Cloud plan. Our colleagues will make you aware of this opportunity and will invite you in a special Brizy Cloud workspace we've set up specifically for this.

Once you accept our invitation you'll start building your templates library and once done, our onboarding team will replace our pre-made websites with yours.

Check out the entire process in our documentation here.

For our existing white label plans

If you are the owner of a white label plan, and your onboarding is already done, we've already sent an email notifying you about this new feature and opportunity and all you have to do to start is reply to that email. Our colleague will get back with mode details and set you up to build your template library.

If for some reason you didn't get our email, please email us your self on: We'll get back as soon as we hear from you.

What's next

I hope you are excited as we are about this new feature for agencies. This puts more power in the hands of our users and partners to attract more clients and generate more revenue for their business.

More agency/WL oriented features like these are in the pipeline like Localisation of the dashboard and builder in 13 languages, Changing the UI colors to make them your own, Changing the layouts & blocks in the builder, just to name a few.

We are more committed than ever to make Brizy the best multi-platform no-code website builder for agencies and reseller partners.

Until next time.

Article by Dimi

Co-founder & CEO of Brizy, Dimi has a passion for Web projects with cutting-edge tech & great usability. He's always happy to share and connect with others.

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