We've added Free Membership Functionality in Brizy WP

on 16 February 2021 , by Dimi, in Blog, WordPress, PRO, FREE, Updates

We've just added free Membership functionality in the Brizy WordPress plugin. The membership options let you lock content on your website and display blocks based on user roles, and thus enable you to create membership websites. Excellent for a course website or limit access to certain parts of your content if the user paid or not.

Free membership functionality?

Yes, that's correct, the main membership options are included in Brizy Free. We are committed to making Brizy Free the best free website builder out there and this one more step in that direction.

We see no point in paying over $300 per year on overly complex learning management systems plugins when you only need a simple and intuitive way to lock content based on User Roles that will let you create the same membership websites.

In Brizy Free, you can block access to content based on all the default roles in WordPress (Subscriber, Contributor, Author, Editor, Administrator) and the Customer role that WooCommerce adds. The Customer role will enable you to put a paywall on your locked content via WooCommerce.

The membership options

The membership options were added at the block level, so naturally, you'll find the options on every block on your page. To show a block only to a certain user role you need to turn on the membership option and select the role(s) from the multi-select field that appears.

The Roles selected in the Show to field will be the only ones that will see the block. Find all the default roles from WordPress and also custom roles created by us or other plugins like WooCommerce (the Customer role).

Tip: You can use the Customer role to show content to paying clients only. WooCommerce automatically gives this role to your users once they purchase something on your website.

You'll also find the Not logged role. This was added by us and you will use it if you want your logged-in users not to see a certain block. For example, hide an up-sell block if the user already paid for access to that content.

Another option we've added is View page as a certain role. This will let you filter the blocks in the page and view the page exactly how the users with a certain role will see it.

User Roles

Besides the builder functionality, we've also created a way to let you add custom Roles. This a Brizy PRO functionality.

You can do that from your WordPress admin under Users > Roles. These custom Roles are linked with the display membership options in Brizy and don't give any other privileges related to WordPress like other roles do (Author, Editor, etc.)

The custom roles can be found anywhere WordPress works with roles. You can give a your custom role(s) to your users:

Or make it a default user role when they create a new account on your website.

IMPORTANT: the custom roles don't give access to any WordPress admin privileges like other roles do (Author, Editor, Contributor, etc)

What's coming next

We are working on a bunch of things for Brizy WordPress but in the next months, we are preparing improvements to what's already there, a design update, Stories, and the Motion Effects functionality.

Great things ahead.

Article by Dimi

Co-founder & CEO of Brizy, Dimi has a passion for Web projects with cutting-edge tech & great usability. He's always happy to share and connect with others.

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