Web Stories for WordPress, Loading Speed Optimisations & More

on 27 July 2021, by Dimi, in Blog, WordPress, PRO, FREE, Updates

Big update for Brizy WordPress. As you may know, we had a big open beta for Brizy WordPress for a while now. Our beta crew was instrumental in the past weeks in helping us iron out many of the issues in this (very) important update.

JS & CSS front end improvements

This was in the works for some time, and we are excited to bring these optimisations to Brizy. Up until now, when a page loaded in the front end, we included all the JS and CSS, even if that specific page didn't use it.

With the 2.3.0 update, we load only the essential JS & CSS that is used by the page and nothing more. This has an impact on the kb loaded on the page by default and of course a positive impact on page loading speed.

Here is a comparative test we did for the default transfer in kb, tested on Chrome network monitor feature with the 2.3.0 update vs before.

WordPress Web Stories

The Brizy Web Stories builder came in Brizy Cloud a couple of weeks back, and today we are bringing it to Brizy WordPress.

Brizy Stories are mobile visual narratives that follow a different content consumption experience. This visual format lets you explore content by sliding from one piece of content to the next.

No matter if you are a content creator, a marketer, or selling products web stories can help you either creatively present the news, create a mobile landing page (with a natural funnel) or appealingly showcase your products. Read more about Brizy Web Stories, the stories builder in my original post announcement.

In WordPress you can add a new Web Story from your WP admin in Brizy > Web Stories.

We've also added 58 web stories templates (7 in Free and 51 in PRO). You can read more about them and preview them in this post.

Text new options & Improvements

Here are some long-awaited new options & improvements for the Text element.

More dynamic sizes for text

We've added em, rem, and vw size options for text.

New styling options

We've added Underline, Strikethrough, and Capitalise options on the Text toolbar.

Text dynamic option

We've improved the use of dynamic text by adding a dynamic icon in the typography icon. Using this you can change the entire text element with a dynamic text.

Text copy/paste from outside

We've considerably improved the styling retention when copy/pasting text from outside. We keep the tags (H1, … H6, P) and also match the global styling for font, size, line height, etc.

Dynamic content

Some dynamic content improvements we are very excited about.

All dynamic content can be seen in the builder

When you add a dynamic content element in the editor, be it a featured image, post title, excerpt, they will be fetched from the database and displayed directly in the builder.

New posts query filter

We've added a very complex query filter for Posts. You can select to display posts from all categories, certain categories, include/exclude posts, offset display, and more.

Tags for Posts, Archive & Products

We've added Tags functionality for a couple of dynamic elements: Posts, Archive & Products. You can enable the Tags from the Navigation tab on each element.

Reorder Buttons, Icons

We've added a reorder feature for buttons and icons. We are working to add this to all the other elements like tabs, accordions, block slider, form fields.

What's coming next

The team is working on a bunch of things from fixes and improvements to all new functionality. We have hundreds of little improvements coming: column width input control, improvements for tabs and accordions, UI adjustments, and more.

We are also working on the Effects feature that will add scroll and mouse interaction effects. It's pretty cool, we still need some time, but it's coming along very nicely.

Great things ahead.

Article by Dimi

Co-founder & CEO of Brizy, Dimi has a passion for Web projects with cutting-edge tech & great usability. He's always happy to share and connect with others.

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