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on 31 Jul 2023, by Dimi, in Blog, PRO, Cloud, FREE, Updates
by Dimi
I'm thrilled to announce that today, we are unveiling an incredibly powerful and user-friendly feature that will let you effortlessly share your stunning Brizy Cloud websites with a client, a collaborator, or a friend.
It's a long time coming feature that was in the works for the better part of this year. We call it "Website Cloning Link", and in this article I'll tell you about it and what possibilities it opens up for all our Brizy Cloud users:
Website Cloning is an effortless way to share your Brizy Cloud websites with others. It's as simple as enabling the Clone Link option and providing the link to your clients, collaborators, friends or family.
With just a click of the "Clone Website" link, they will be able to explore, edit, and customize the replicated website to their heart's content in their own Brizy account.
The Cloning Link option can be found in any website in Brizy Cloud in the Project Settings under the new General Tab we've added with this update.
After you turn on the Project Cloning option, you'll get a cloning link that comes with a Copy and Generate New link buttons.
Copy the link and share it. Note that whoever clicks this link, will get a one to one replica of your website in their Brizy account (together with all the content, images, copy, blog posts, custom assets, etc).
Use the Generate New link button to generate a new clone link. Keep in mind that once you generated a new clone link the previous link will not work anymore.
The Clone Website feature in Brizy Cloud, offers numerous key benefits specifically tailored to web agencies & web professionals. Here's how this feature can significantly enhance your workflow and overall business:
There are no limitations on who can use the Website Cloning feature. If you have a Brizy Cloud website you can enable cloning no matter if your account is Free or PRO.
The same goes for anyone that clicks a clone link. Of course you will need a Brizy Cloud account in order to clone a Brizy Cloud website. The only limitation appears when you are trying to clone a website that has PRO functionality (like header blocks, elements, etc) in a Free Brizy Cloud account.
We'll still let you clone the website, but all the PRO functionality will be locked (see image below for an example). From here you either remove the PRO content or upgrade to Brizy PRO to unlock it.
Take cloning for a spin by cloning one of our pre made blogging websites called Designr. A minimalist blog built using the power of custom assets in Brizy Cloud.
We see Brizy Cloud as a thriving hub for design inspiration that's why we want to expand this cloning functionality as a way to foster collaboration, creativity, and engagement among web professionals by creating a community design section on our website.
Thanks for your continued support. Stay close, more great things are coming just around the corner.
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