on 6 Feb 2025, by Veronica, in Blog, WordPress, Guides
by Veronica
Have you ever discovered that your WordPress site broke for some reason, only to realize later that the cause was an automatic update? If that's why you're here, keep reading.
First, disabling WordPress plugin updates is not always necessary due to their benefits, such as security updates that make WordPress sites more secure and reliable. Additionally, manually updating your plugins can be time-consuming. However, there are situations where an automatic update might break your website because of the multitude of plugins and themes available on the market that aren’t tested with the new update.
Auto Updates is a feature of WordPress that automatically installs updates without your intervention. It removes the need for the developer to manually check for new updates and releases.
Wordpress Updates include:
By default, automatic updates are enabled for minor releases, with the possibility to turn on auto updates in wordpress for all the new versions, but by design, plugins and themes auto updates are disabled.
First of all, new updates can cause compatibility issues with custom plugins and themes, which may break your website and result in a website outage. As well, the WordPress auto update feature can install unwanted features—features that should be tested and manually configured before updating the main site—potentially leading to unnecessary extra work from your side.
If you decided that disabling auto updates in WordPress is necessary, you should know that there are several methods you can choose from to disable auto-updates on your website.
The first and easiest method to disable automatic updates directly from Wordpress. In the wordpress dashboard, you can control everything related to auto-updates, including plugin updates, themes, and core updates.
1. To disable major releases in WordPress, you can pick Dashboard ➡️ Updates:
2. Click on “Switch to automatic updates for maintenance and security releases only”.
3. You can disable specific plugin updates in WordPress and choose to manually update just a few custom ones that may create conflicts and leave others on auto-update.
3. There you can click on disable auto-updates to turn the automatic updates off.
3. From there you can see that you have multiple options for every type of update.
4. Let’s go through each of these options:
WordPress core updates: You can choose between disabling core updates, auto-updating all minor versions, or enabling auto-updates for all available updates.
Plugins Updates: Here, you have more options, but the most important are the last three. You can disable or enable auto-updates for all plugins or choose which plugins need automatic updates and which don’t, which is what we’ll do now.
To disable auto-updates for specific plugins, go to the Plugins tab, where you’ll find all the plugins installed on your WordPress site.
Now that you’re here, you can choose which plugin updates to keep and which updates to turn off.
Themes Updates: As before, theme updates have basically the same options as the plugin ones. We will focus on the same three options. You can disable or enable auto-updates for all themes or choose which themes need automatic updates and which don’t, repeating the same steps we followed for plugins.
To disable auto-updates for specific themes, go to the Themes tab, where you’ll find all the themes installed on your WordPress site.
There you can choose the specific themes that need the updates enabled.
Now that we’ve covered the easiest way to manage auto-updates in WordPress, it’s time to move on to a more advanced method.
To edit the wp-config.php, you can use File Zilla, an FTP (file transfer protocol) solution, to access the server where you can find the desired file. Follow the steps below to edit your config file with FileZilla:
3. On the /public_html/ folder you can find the wp-config.php file
4. Save the wp-config.php file on your PC.
5. Open the field with any text editor and add:
*** define( 'WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE', true); ***
above ***/* That's all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */***
6. Save it and upload it back to your website.
***add_filter( 'auto_update_theme', '__return_false' ); ***
***add_filter( 'auto_update_plugin', '__return_false' ); ***
4. Great job. The problem is solved :)
To undo a wordpress update, you first have to have a backup to undo the last update. There are several ways to save a backup, but the most convenient one and the one we recommended is with a plugin that automatically creates backups at a certain period of time.
Here’s how you can do it:
3. From there we search for our desired plugin, in this case UpdraftPlus, and click install.
4. After installation, we click activate.
5. After activation, we’ll be redirected to the Installed Plugins tab, where we go and click on the settings below the newly installed plugin.
6. After clicking on the Settings, we are redirected again to a page where we again click on the Settings tab.
7. Here we can see that we can choose if we want to schedule our backups and what types of backups to schedule.
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If you currently use WordPress, Brizy WordPress is a great solution that lets you optimize the work involved in designing and customizing your website while reducing the time and need for a front-end developer.
Can I disable specific plugin updates only?
– Yes, you can. In the section “How to Disable Auto Update in WordPress,” you can find how to turn off auto update for specific plugins only or for multiple ones.
Will disabling updates impact the security of my WordPress site?
– Yes, certain updates fix bugs and code vulnerabilities that may leave your website unsafe.
Will disabling updates impact the security of my WordPress site?
– Yes, certain updates fix bugs and code vulnerabilities that may leave your website unsafe.
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