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Product Update Sep. '24! New elements, big improvements, requested features and fixes

on 19 Sep 2024, by Bogdan, in Blog, WordPress, Cloud, Updates

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We raised $2.4M Seed Round to build the first multi-platform site builder. Join our team

Live Webinar on February 23rd: Brizy WordPress, The Plan for 2023 | Find out More

by Bogdan

The month of September 2024 brings a big update for both Brizy WordPress & Cloud and we have some exciting new elements, features, and fixes that you have requested. Let's go through what we've added in our latest update. A full list can be found in the change logs for Brizy Cloud & WordPress.

Here are the highlights:

Multistep feature in Form element

This is one of the most requested features in our product roadmap & ideas board and we are really happy to push it live for anyone with this update. Below is a sneak peek at the new functionality, we are sure you'll love it.

Every form now can have multiple steps to fill in by the website's visitors, making longer contact forms more digestible and easier to go through. This has a lot of potential to improve the UX of your website and generate more leads while acquiring more useful information.

New: Flipbox element

The Flipbox element is another highly requested feature. It allows you to create an interactive content box that flips 180 degrees when hovered over. This dynamic effect engages your visitors by revealing additional information, such as product details or actionable options like sharing buttons and purchase links.

The possibilities with this new element are endless, sparking creativity and innovation. You can add any of Brizy's tools and elements to the back of the Flipbox, making it both very powerful and versatile. We can't wait to see the many imaginative ways you'll use it!

Table of Contents element

This new element brings a much needed functionality for pages and most likely blogs in Brizy. What it does is add an ordered list of clickable headings corresponding to the content sections on the page. This allows users to navigate directly to any of the sections on the same page.

While there were workarounds for this in Brizy, now with this dedicated element you can do it much faster and easier, plus the options we've added will improve the usability and reach of this feature.

Adobe Fonts integration

In addition to including fonts from your own computer or from Google Fonts library, we are now adding a premium integration to bring even more your fonts into Brizy. This is ofcourse one of the biggest and most diverse font libraries: Adobe Fonts

In order to use this integration, you will need a subscription with Adobe (it can be your existing Creative Cloud or Photoshop / etc. subscription - as it doesn't need to be a new one dedicated to Adobe Fonts). After that, you can follow the easy steps in order to connect your fonts to here. Watch the video below to learn more:

Custom icons upload in Icon element

We've enhanced the Icon element by adding support for custom SVG uploads. You'll now find a new tab alongside the existing icon libraries, allowing you to easily upload and use your own SVG icons directly on your website.

Keep in mind that this works for single color icons, for more complex SVG icons that have multiple colors, shades or shadows, you will need to use the image element as previously.

Transform effects for elements

You can now transform the elements or content on your page with multiple options like: Rotate, Offset, Skew, Scale or Flip.

This feature adds a more dynamic visual appeal and gives a greater flexibility in customizing the appearance of images and other elements on your page.

New Features for Lottie element

We've enhanced the Lottie element with added control and functionality, along with a new renderer that ensures faster loading animations and reduced server space usage. This improvement boosts performance scores and optimizes overall efficiency.

Now the Trigger option has 4 options: Load, Hover, Click and Scroll, meaning that you have a much greater versatility on how to use Lotties. Also, with the Lazy Load option, the lottie animation will only load when it's actaully loaded in the viewport, and not instanlty when the page is requested. Again, this improves the loading speed of the page and its performance score.

Order the rows in Table element

Another long-time requested feature, this time for the Table element. Previously, the row order couldn't be easily changed, which meant a bit of extra work if the listing needed to be adjusted.

We've introduced the same ordering functionality and user interface as with our other elements, making it intuitive and familiar. We're confident you'll find it easy to use without needing any further explanation.

Hover animations for Button element

This one is super fun! We brought in many cool animations for the button fill, making it do creative things when visitors hover it. The best thing here in order to understand is to watch the video

Ability to pin elements in left sidebar

Make them sticky! Basically, when creating or working on a website, we all use just a handfull of elements in our process, but thise elements are not always at the top of the list. Now, you can pin your favorite elements to the top of the list, making them super accessible for repeated use.

Ofcourse, this is also reversible, unpinning is a simple click away if you find the need to customize and adjust the pinned elements list.

Text transform for typography option + Subscript & superscript

The text element's options for adjusting styling like Bold, Italics, and more is now moved into a better place that also makes it Global if you want.

This also has the benefit of shortening the text toolbar's width, disolaying only the most needed icons instead of functionalities that are not necessarily needed up front.

Regenerate global styles with AI

Much awaited changes to the global styling, you can now save your own presets for the colors and typography and also improve these with our AI smarts :)

You can now name, edit, and create multiple versions of your styles, then easily apply them to your site. This powerful feature streamlines your workflow, especially when working with global styles.

Slideshow option for Section

Cool new options for the slider in Sections. You can now upload multiple images and use transition like Fade / Ken Burns effect and more.

The video above goes over the new options, but this is something you will need to play with to understand the full potential of this new functionality.

Wrap up

This new update has lots more than just the ones above, as we've worked quite hard on this for the last few months. A full list can be found in the change logs for Brizy Cloud & WordPress.

We raised $2.4M Seed Round to build the first multi-platform site builder. Join our team

Live Webinar on February 23rd: Brizy WordPress, The Plan for 2023 | Find out More

Article by Bogdan

Co-founder & Head of Design, Bogdan has a passion for everything that works great and looks awesome. Guilty for most of the UI and UX around this place, you can say "Hi" to him at bogdan at brizy dot io

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